12 April, 2011

Another postcard from chimpanzees...

There isn't anything going on with chimpanzees in my life. Or postcards. But maybe there WILL be postcards in about 6 weeks...?! At that point, I'll finally be able to have a little escape from my "normal" (abnormal?) life.

Some things really don't seem relevant. Some things really don't seem fair.

I slept through my alarm clock this morning. 2nd time in a week. I heard the 1st alarm (5am), but woke up 75 minutes after my 2nd alarm, having been enjoying the movies of my dream-time... wish it was more memorable. Actually, I wish my life were like a movie. I keep thinking about re-making my life - so that I feel like an actress all the time (in terms of my appearance - put together, confident, full of poise and vitality), so that I take time to breathe, ... but other things get in the way. Like waking up late - that kind of puts a damper on making sure I look great when I have 20 minutes to walk the dog and get to the bus. Bummer.

This is not very coherent. This is more for me than for the world to see anyway... so much I'm not ready to share fully, but I don't have time to write by hand. I DID make a promise to myself (yesterday) to take time every evening to reflect on what was good/life-giving about my day. Really need to start recognizing the blessings in my life - because I'm getting too far down again.

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