26 November, 2008

I'm officially applying for more school!

A couple of weeks ago, I turned in my application for yet another academic program. This time, I really believe that I've found my niche: the Interdeparmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences (at UW-Madison, of course!). I've got to wait until March next year to know whether or not I'm in, but it's OK. I'll get to thoroughly enjoy the rest of my MM program, do a fantastic recital (March 7th!), gain a Masters' degree... and then I will be completely ready to enter back into the realm of the other world that I left 4 years ago when I dropped my molecular biology major.

I am really excited, and doing my best to convince myself that I still have the ability to be patient as I wait to (hopefully) get a call for an interview and learn whether or not they accept me into the program.

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